ÿþ Due to new balance 574 sport this reduction in the number of sites, the network became less resolved, but the results still suggested that the outgroup was connected more closely to South American and southern Central American pumas than to northern Central and North American haplotypes.
In the best two-level scenario (see Table 3 ), we also noted that the ¦ sc and ¦ new balance 860v9 ct were 0.41904 (p = 0.000±0.000) and 0.43693 (p = 0.01871 "0.00135), respectively. Pairwise estimates of ¦ st were carried new balance 996 out at the various spatial scales tested in these scenarios, and helped assess the distinctiveness of large-scale as well as regional population units ( Tables S4 and S5 ).
The x-axis is depicted on a scale of millions of years (myr). new balance 997h The y-axis represents the effective population size (N e ) multiplied by the generation time (also in myr). Assuming new balance 860v8 a generation time of 5 years, the numbers on this axis should be multiplied by 200,000 to yield interpretable values.
(2000) , including ND5 , ATP8 and 16S segments, contained 15 variable sites and defined 14 different haplotypes.
Indeed, the observed levels of haplotype (gene) diversity in pumas were quite high, while nucleotide diversity was more modest, suggestive of rather recent mtDNA coalescence in this species.
When subcontinental or regional groups of pumas were compared, we observed that haplotype and nucleotide diversity indices were consistently higher for South and Central America, relative to those estimated for North America ( Table 2 ).